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My Words of the Week: Ass Twinky; Chupa Fuma; Chupa Pinga; Ass Hat; Cocksmoke; Grr baby grr.

Music: something on HBO

Feeling: throat hurts... damn

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another - 2006-12-16

Let life be a good song - 2007-04-17

- - 2005-10-18

Vegas or Bust - 2005-07-22

Marked for Deletion - 2005-06-08

2:45 a.m. - 2005-01-07 - Real White Meat
Dear McDonalds,

I have a problem with one of your ads that has been plaguing my TV recently. It has to do with your chicken nuggets.

I was under the impression, forgive me for assuming, that you would never sell something to harm the general public. But, with this new ad, I'm starting to question your integrity levels a bit.

According to your ads, your chicken nuggets are now made with 'real white meat'. That makes me suspect something. What were your chicken nuggets made with before? Before you guys decided to release your, new nuggets with the 'real white meat'.

Growing up, I always loved Ronald McDonald. I always wanted to eat at your establishment, just so I could see Ronald. He made me, and most other kids in the 4-9 yr old range, smile. I would think, that if Ronald knew that something fishy was going on, like, not selling, 'real white meat' chicken nuggets, he would tell us impressionable young children not to eat them.

So, until I find out what I have been eating for the past 20 years, I will not be visiting a McDonalds anytime soon. Tell me, how long will it be until you put out the ad, "New at McDonalds, our hamburgers are now made with REAL 100% beef!"?

I guess the whole saying, "Don't ASSUME, it makes an ASS out of U and ME", is completely true.


Marci S.

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