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My Words of the Week: Ass Twinky; Chupa Fuma; Chupa Pinga; Ass Hat; Cocksmoke; Grr baby grr.

Music: Propagandhi

Feeling: My tummy is hurting

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another - 2006-12-16

Let life be a good song - 2007-04-17

- - 2005-10-18

Vegas or Bust - 2005-07-22

Marked for Deletion - 2005-06-08

1:14 a.m. - 2005-01-05 - Britney's Scientist Idea
I read something funny today. Here's the link:


What do you think? Come on, I know you want to make a crack. Britney Spears, a forensic scientist? Is she serious?! Those words don't even belong in the same sentence. Seriously, watch any interview she does, she's a complete moron. She's almost as bad as Jessica Simpson. I honestly don't think the girl has the mental capacity to handle information she would be required to learn. I guess being a Mousekateer and a pop-singer give her the prerequisites to become a forensic scientist. I really think that all the bleach she uses has finally hit the big one. "Oh my god, did you, like see that guy, that was like, totally gross!"

A friend of mine said earlier, "That's great she's a moron. I could take her for a bunch of money. 'Hey, Britney hunnie, can I have $500 so I can go buy hundred dollar bills? Please?'"

Now, if she ends up winning a Nobel Prize or something (which I highly doubt), then I will give her some credit. Until then, she shouls keep with what she does best. Oh, shit, she isn't even that great of a singer... *sigh*

I just think she needs to quit the whole singing thing and just become a damn porn star already...

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