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My Words of the Week: Ass Twinky; Chupa Fuma; Chupa Pinga; Ass Hat; Cocksmoke; Grr baby grr.

Music: Everclear - Wonderful

Feeling: Amused

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1:04 p.m. - 2004-12-10 - My Football Predictions
My amusement factor is way up. I've been reading the message boards at Sportsline.com now for about an hour or so. I must say, I'm thouroughly amused. There are Steelers fans cussin' the Pats fans. The Eagles fans cussin' everyone. The Pats fans being their typical 'high-and-mighty' selves, ie: assholes. I can't wait to see what happens after playoffs. Don't get me wrong, I'm a HUGE Colts fan, and I would love nothing more to see them in the SB, but to see two teams in the SB that no one ever thought would be there, would amuse me just that much more.

My predictions for the playoffs:

AFC: (E)Pats(2); (N)Pitts(1); (S)Colts(3); (W)Charge(4); (Wild)Jets(5) & Balt/Denver(6).

So, AFC playoffs look as:

Week 1 Playoffs (Wildcard)
Balt/Denver (6) @ Colts (3) (win: Colts)
Jets (5) @ Charge (4) (win: Charge)

Week 2 Playoffs (Divisional)
Colts @ Pats (Fuck, again!? win: Colts, hopeful)
Charge @ Pitts (win: Charge, hopeful)

Week 3 Playoffs (Championship)
Charge @ Colts (win: Colts, hopeful)

That would be my perfect world for AFC.

NFC: (E)Phili(Duh)(1); (N)Pack(3); (S)Atl(2); (W)Rams(4); (Wild)Vik(6) & Caro(5).

This is a little tougher. Ha, ha. With all the shit teams in the NFC, what can you really do, honestly?

Week 1 (Wildcard)
Vik(6) @ Pack(3) (win: Pack)
Caro (5) @ Rams(4) (win: Caro)

Week 2 (Divisional)
Pack @ Atl (win: Atl)
Caro @ Phili (win: Caro, hopeful)

Week 3 (Championship)
Caro @ Atl (win: Caro)

Super Bowl:
Colts vs Caro

Ha ha, fat chance, right. But, I can only hope.... However, if this does happen, you can bet that my happy little ass will be up in Jacksonville painted head to toe in blue rooting my Colts on. :)

I think the most amusing matchup would have to be Charge vs Caro. That's the other hopeful if the Colts don't make it there. We can all hope, right?

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