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My Words of the Week: Ass Twinky; Chupa Fuma; Chupa Pinga; Ass Hat; Cocksmoke; Grr baby grr.

Music: My little brother bitching

Feeling: pissed off, again

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Let life be a good song - 2007-04-17

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Vegas or Bust - 2005-07-22

Marked for Deletion - 2005-06-08

8:18 a.m. - 2004-12-06 - Last Letters
"If I wanna change the world, it's gotta start with me" - Bouncing Souls

I wake up this morning and there is a show on HBO called 'Last Letters'. It's people from families of troops that were being killed in Iraq. It really hit a sore spot with me.

I know I've already written an entry on how much I hate Dubya, but I feel, that after seeing this documentary, that I must elaborate.

I have a friend that is getting ready to leave for Korea. Scott Bishop. It absolutely kills me that he is getting sent there. This is definitely one man that I loved with all my heart. To know, that he could possibly never come back, is heart wrenching. I know he enlisted in the Air Force, on his own free will, but it was to better himself, not get himself killed. I got to see him while he was on leave, and he told me that he was scared to death. Honestly, so am I. I'm scared I will one day be told that I have his last letter.

How can the American public watch innocent soldiers die, in a war, that never should have happened in the first place.

Why people? WHY? Are we better off now, than we were four years ago? Honestly tell me that.

I went through the list of soldiers KIA, and atleast 50% of the soldiers were younger than me. They didn't have the chance to really live. They never got the chance to experience life to its fullest. I was scared to go through the list. I didn't want to see the names of any of my childhood friends on there. I may have freaked out.

At a friend's house this past weekend, there were 'kids' being inducted into my friend's frat. He was elected President of the frat, as fresmen were being inducted. I couldn't fathom these 'kids' being involved in a war, when they knew absolutely nothing about themselves. Overwhelming sadness came over me when the thought of a draft crossed my mind.

People can be proud that they voted for Dubya, but when he decides to engage the US in another bogus war, and more innocent American troops get killed because our President is a war-happy-son-of-an-asshole, think about what you did to help this country.

People want to know why I want to be a school teacher, specifically Political Science. I want kids to be more educated than the people of today. Kids don't know the issues. They get 'Vote or Die' from musical 'icons'. Yeah, that's some love for ya. If kids are educated on the material, they will be more likely to make a wise decision.

A friend of mine said it perfectly, we are in a country that cares more about gun control & God than the economy and education. Lovely thought, isn't it?

On an upbeat note, I had a great evening with someone I hadn't seen in a long time. It was nice to catch up on each other's lives and spend quality time together. There wasn't even a skipped beat, other than the fact that we had both matured and grown-up since the last time, about four years ago. Thank you 'B' for an awesome time, we will have to again, soon.

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