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My Words of the Week: Ass Twinky; Chupa Fuma; Chupa Pinga; Ass Hat; Cocksmoke; Grr baby grr.

Music: Pennywise - Bro Hymn Tribute

Feeling: Pissed off

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another - 2006-12-16

Let life be a good song - 2007-04-17

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Vegas or Bust - 2005-07-22

Marked for Deletion - 2005-06-08

9:50 a.m. - 2004-11-13 - Dear America
Dear American Public,

How on Earth am I going to explain to my children one day, that the President of the 2000�s, stole the election in 2000 and then was re-elected in 2004?

Do people just not read and research what is really going on behind the scenes?

Are we really that ignorant to what this President is doing?

The man that was in the White House the previous eight years is shunned and criticized for lying to the American public, even though he �admits� his mistake. He didn�t wage war on a country; instead, he got a blowjob.

The current President lies to us about reasoning in engaging in a war, never admits to the �mistake�, blames someone else for his oversight, yet he is praised and, furthermore, re-elected? Oh, wait, I forgot, he�s a Christian. Being a Christian makes everything better.

Who cares that our economy is going down the drain; Who cares if most of the blue-collar community is unemployed; Who cares if our airports and ports are more vulnerable than ever; Who cares that our children and their children are going to have to pay for the mistakes our President made; We have a President that follows the �Book� and that�s all that matters.

�We are losing jobs because of a war.� �Our economy is bad right now because we are at war.� �We have a large deficit now, because we are at war.� Wake up people. There have been larger wars than this. We have never seen the type of recession that we are seeing today. How can you use a war as justification for screw ups?

So, this President is going to turn America into a Christian country. Isn�t America the land of freedom? The land of free speech? The country that allows us the right to practice our own religion? If the President decides to use his �Christian� values while making decisions, doesn�t that contradict what this country stands for? What about the Agnostics, the Jewish, the Mormons? I don�t know about anyone else, but honestly I don�t want a President telling me whom I should be worshipping.

Who cares about who wants to marry who, who cares if two members of the same sex want to get married. I don�t follow the Bible, and I don�t want the Bible telling me what I can and cannot do on a daily basis. Doesn�t that restrict my rights as an American citizen?

I don�t understand why people can be so blindsided. Who cares about religion in a time of war? Do the American people really believe that having �moral values� is more important than getting our troops out of a country that we never should have been in, in the first place?

So, we invade a country on the �hunch� that they have WMD�s. Even after the UN tells us this �country� doesn�t have them, or even the capability to produce them. We defy our allies and invade anyway. Guess what happens next, the UN told us the truth to begin with, now we have a big mess on our hands. Maybe he, like previous Presidents have done, should have listened to what the UN was telling us, instead of turning a blind eye, and using the power of �preemptive� war. What about those countries that we are certain have the WMD�s? Are we going to invade them too? Are we going to defy our allies once again?

The �mistakes� don�t just stop there. They are forthcoming and everlasting.

I feel that people these days don�t want to do the research themselves. They want everything handed to them on a platter. I, on the other hand, want to know what the hell is going on. I don�t want to be left in the dark.

Now, the President is saying that his victory is �historic�. How can a victory be �historic� if half of the country hates you? I think Mr. President Bush needs to take a step back and actually look at what he�s doing to this country.

Oh, wait, I forgot, he doesn�t make mistakes.

�Let them eat war. That�s how to ration the poor.� That line is so true it�s scary. How often do you see a child from a wealthy family enlist in the military?

I just know, that when I reminisce on my 20s, and see the turmoil and separation that America went through, I will be able to look back and say, �He�s not the man that I elected as my President.�


Marci S.

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