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My Words of the Week: Ass Twinky; Chupa Fuma; Chupa Pinga; Ass Hat; Cocksmoke; Grr baby grr.

Music: Bouncing Souls - Maniacal Laughter

Feeling: Lazy

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another - 2006-12-16

Let life be a good song - 2007-04-17

- - 2005-10-18

Vegas or Bust - 2005-07-22

Marked for Deletion - 2005-06-08

3:03 p.m. - 2004-10-29 - Short update
my life in a little box:

1. I moved to Bradenton a while back, but now I'm in Palm Beach again. FUN!

2. I was working at the local Applebee's down here, but they pissed me off, so I walked out. I'm now bartending somewhere else.

3. I have found a new love in Halo. I'm a rocket-whore.

4. I will be in Vegas for T-giving week. Should be fun. Drunken stupor for an entire week. YEAH!

5. I keep giving people promises to update this, but I just forget. It's my memory I'm telling you. I'm getting old. HA!

6. I'm ready for this political bullshit to be over. We need a change in the White House. That's all there is to it.

7. There you have it. My long winded update. Blah.

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