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My Words of the Week: Ass Twinky; Chupa Fuma; Chupa Pinga; Ass Hat; Cocksmoke; Grr baby grr.



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another - 2006-12-16

Let life be a good song - 2007-04-17

- - 2005-10-18

Vegas or Bust - 2005-07-22

Marked for Deletion - 2005-06-08

7:04 a.m. - 2002-06-01 - Muy Bien! Muy Bien!
*yawn* damn... i start quite a bit of entries off like that... *grins*

i havent gotten to sleep yet... whats the point?? i hafta get on a plane soon... scarey... ive been counting this vegas vacation ever since i turned 20...

ive decided that i completely and absolutely hate the club i work at... i feel dirty... yucky and scummy for even working there... this place is SO unsanitary it's gross... im used to having 3 or more sinks in a bar... some of the bars at this club dont even have a sink... and if you do have a sink... you cant even use them because the plumbing sux... and the upstairs sinks will flood the downstairs completely... isnt that sick??

one chick came up to me last nite... asking for a glass of water... i told her that she had to buy a bottle of water because i would get fired if i gave her a cup (i wont get fired... but i only give cups of water to people that tip me really good *grins*)... she bitched and complained about not having anymore money... i said fine... i filled the cup up with ice and put water in it... THEN she bitched about having too much ice in the cup... i just looked at her... looked at the 'free' cup of water i gave her... stuck my hand in it and pulled out some ice... i think she was udderly disgusted... and i think i may have gotten my point across to her... stupid bitch...

i almost walked out last nite... my soda gun stopped working... i couldnt pour ANY soda drinks or any juice drinks... alll i could do is open beer and make shots (the ones without juice)... i was kinda pissed... and irritated... the bar backs kept bringing me pitchers of coke and juice and stuff so i could make my soda/juice drinks... work really pissed me off... plus... there were only about 400 people in the club and i only walked with 30 bux... thats defly gunna go far in vegas *rolls eyes*

i think i may try and hook up with the cute little latin guy from work... i think we would have a good relationship/sex life... ive never had sex with a foreign guy before... hey... maybe he would rock my socks off... plus... he doesnt speak much english... so if he was bitching at me for something... i could just look at him with a dumb look on my face... i wouldnt be playing dumb... because i really wouldnt understand what he was saying... hehe... im wondering if i could pull it off... every time i think about having sex with him...i laugh... i keep picturing him blurting out 'Muy bien! Muy bien!' ... haha... i think i would die of laughter by the time it was over...

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