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My Words of the Week: Ass Twinky; Chupa Fuma; Chupa Pinga; Ass Hat; Cocksmoke; Grr baby grr.



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another - 2006-12-16

Let life be a good song - 2007-04-17

- - 2005-10-18

Vegas or Bust - 2005-07-22

Marked for Deletion - 2005-06-08

12:53 p.m. - 2003-03-13 - Pet Peeve
rented The Ring this past weekend...

what a fucked up movie... i started to think about how fast i would hightail it outta my apartment if someone jumped through the TV screen at me... i would have been halfway down the street hootin & hollerin....

i need to make a copy of the fucker... i dont wanna get chased by no freak jumpin out of a TV at me....

ill pull out my 9 and smoke that fucker...



my biggest pet peeve

WOMEN WHO PISS ON THE TOLIET SEAT AND DONT WIPE IT OFF.... atleast when men piss on the seat... they have an excuse... they just cant aim...

i cant stand going into a bathroom and the toliet be just sprinkled with someone else's piss...

atleast if i accidentally get a few little drops on the seat... i wipe it off...

why cant other people be more courtious to the next person who used the potty??

**** So next time remember: If you sprinkle when you tinkle... Please be neat and wipe the seat ****

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