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My Words of the Week: Ass Twinky; Chupa Fuma; Chupa Pinga; Ass Hat; Cocksmoke; Grr baby grr.



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another - 2006-12-16

Let life be a good song - 2007-04-17

- - 2005-10-18

Vegas or Bust - 2005-07-22

Marked for Deletion - 2005-06-08

2:15 p.m. - 2002-12-19 - wall of garland
picking out garland for a x-mas tree can be pretty tough...

especially if you're kinda 'fucked' up...

my roommie & i went to walmart the other nite because our x-mas tree was just sitting in the middle of our living room... and we felt bad for it... and decided it needed to be decorated...

if you havent been to the x-mas section in walmart yet... i strongly urge you to go take a peak at the 'wall' of garland...

we stood in front of this wall for atleast a half hour... if not longer trying to decide which colors to buy...

now our tree isnt bare... just ugly...

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