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My Words of the Week: Ass Twinky; Chupa Fuma; Chupa Pinga; Ass Hat; Cocksmoke; Grr baby grr.



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another - 2006-12-16

Let life be a good song - 2007-04-17

- - 2005-10-18

Vegas or Bust - 2005-07-22

Marked for Deletion - 2005-06-08

3:37 a.m. - 2002-09-24 - do's & don'ts
what i need to do:

get outta my roommates house...

get back into school...

stop obsessing over stupid shit...

get on with my life...

dont concern myself with gettin laid...

dont worry about gettin a boyfriend...

dont worry about if my life is suddenly passing me by...

realize that my life isnt that bad... it could be much much worse...

dont worry about starting a family by the time im 25...

take everyday one step at a time... rushing things only fucks things up...

dont get involved with the people i work with... thatll just make work that much harder...

treat everyone the way i wanna be treated....

keep in touch with my family (mom, dad, brother & uncle)... they are the only ones that will ever TRULY love me...

remember that falling in love is a learning process... you cant just go out and say "oh my god.. thats the person im gunna spend the rest of my life with"

remember not to trust anyone...

remember that 'life really is a good song'...

remember i will eventually i will find that person for me... just wait... dont go out looking for it...

keep listening to inspirational music... stuff that makes me happy... stuff that doesnt bring me down...

remember that i do have good friends out there... but they are just as busy as i am...

dont worry about being a millionaire or people that bring you down that are... they just dont know about the true meaning of family or friendship...

remember... i will never be a rockstar/pornstar/actress/famous model...

remember nobody is perfect... everyone has their faults... but that is what makes everyone unique...

make friends with everyone around me... make them feel like they are the best...

dont camaflauge (*SP) my feelings and let others know what im thinking and feeling...

i think thats it...

if any of you readers are wondering why i posted stuff like this... i just realized that there are things i hafta do... and things i hafta remember... and i cant dwell on the past and that everything happens for a reason...

no my heart wasnt broken... i just need to learn to face reality... and be more of a realist and not such an idealist...

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