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My Words of the Week: Ass Twinky; Chupa Fuma; Chupa Pinga; Ass Hat; Cocksmoke; Grr baby grr.



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another - 2006-12-16

Let life be a good song - 2007-04-17

- - 2005-10-18

Vegas or Bust - 2005-07-22

Marked for Deletion - 2005-06-08

4:09 a.m. - 2002-06-08 - Vegas
well... im back... kinda sux to be back... but im back! =) vegas was completely awesome... if only i could have brought 'him' home in my suitcase... *grins* ill get to that...

trip details:

-me & uncle drank bloody mary's from ft laudy to dallas... we had a pretty good buzz

-there are too many rednecks in texas... their accent scares me...

-i planned to get wanded before i got on any of the remaining flights.. hehe... i want pix of it... *grins*

-people that dont know how to use a seatbelt are dumbasses

-won $60 bux... did last long at all... =(

-walked from riviera to new york new york...

-walked from downtown vegas back to riviera (about 6 miles)

-witnessed my mother & uncle get completely smashed... on the walk from downtown... my mother pissed her pants from laughing so hard & my uncle fell down 3 times...

-met a guy down town... very cute... he took me to sushi on tues... not my type...

-went to La Cage (drag show)... where in the hell do they hide it?!

-cost $1 a minute to check email... bullshit!

-bellagio fountains were my favorite... check them out if you ever go to vegas

-gambling in an airport?? scarey

-met the PERFECT guy... BUT... he lives in canada... *sigh* another canadian (he was completely hot... i will have pix!!)

-every chick in vegas has fake boobies

-went to airport 3 hours early on way back...

-I GOT WANDED!!!! but... they wouldnt let us take pix... *sniff sniff*

-i relized that i HAFTA GET OUT OF FLORIDA asap... the mountains in vegas were incredible... i prolly wont move there... but im defly going somewhere...

well... thats pretty much my trip to vegas... i did a shit load of other stuff... but... these were the best things that happened.... hehe...

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